The event raised over $15,000 for recipients Christian & Nathan!!!

Dr. Eco holds this event very near and dear to her heart. This year’s recipients were Chistian Jeremiah and Nathan. Chistian is 5 years old with a smile that lights up the world. He was born with Cerebal Palsy, Gerd, Chronic lung disease and a numerous other symptoms brought about with his disease. Nathan is 2 years old and was born with Prune Belly Syndrome and is badly in need of a kidney transplant. With the monies raised, they will be able to continue to provide shelter and transportation to their hospital visits.

Dr. Jasmin Eco would like to thank her sponsors for this year’s event, First Impressions Lab, Dayspring Pediatric Dentistry, Drs.Kolinski & Crosby, Dr. Fox, Dr. Kloberdanz, & Dr. McElroy.

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